The Nose Behind The Brand – Gecks & Cov

Dedicated and passionate perfumer with years of experience in the industry, great designers and ideas to challenge the market and rewriting fragrance on how it should be made. How much does exactly that fancy USD100-a-bottle department store perfume you wear really cost to make? How much you are paying for the fragrance itself? Because when you’re buying a high end luxury fragrance, you’re paying for everything but the fragrance. At Gecks & Cov we understand that each and every one of us wants the best when shopping for fragrance, to be unique, exclusive and of course smells great. A great quality fragrance should have a soul that comes from the purest intention of making them. That’s why at Gecks & Cov we believe that everyone should have the best quality fragrance that is niche, lasting and carries a soul in each and every bottle. Rather than spending big on marketing, we’re focusing more on quality, R&D, and delivering the best possible experience to our customers. At Gecks & Cov, we’re obsessed in breaking the rule, changing the game and creating new ways of promoting our brand and scents. International quality, locally priced. So ignite your senses with us, Gecks & Cov Premium Handcrafted Niche Fragrance.

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